Thursday, 4 April 2013

A sunny Spring day walk around the garden...

We have had some lovely weather the last few days, to the point we actually did some sitting in the sun and enjoying the warm rays, and hearing the birds singing around us.... peace and quiet... a taster that Summer isn't far away..

I had a walk around our garden as I could see the buds budding from the trees and many butterflies warming themselves in the sun. Honey bees collecting their Pollen, and the start of bugs and beetles scurrying across the ground..

Here are a few photos of what it is like in my garden on a warm and sunny day...


  1. What a beautiful garden you must have. Great to see the French birds too- they look striking.

  2. Stunning photos! The butterfly with the four big eyes is out of this world.

  3. How simply gorgeous! Your garden is lovely and all your flowers and green are so much further along than it is in here in Michigan where I live. We are longing for spring that looks like that! Have a lovely day!
    ~jeanie/the marmelade gypsy


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